Let us entertain the kids while you take a much needed break!
Kids Night Out is the second Saturday of every month from 5:30 – 10:00 pm. Drop off and pick up anytime during that timeframe.
The kids will enjoy pizza, games, obstacle courses, and open gym time for free play on all of our equipment, including the Ninja rig, trampolines, Tumbtrak, air track, climbing walls, peg boards, and gymnastics apparatuses. The evening will end with popcorn and a movie projected on the wall above the pit in the main gym while the kids wind down and relax in the loose foam pit to enjoy the film.
Ages 2 – 14 (must be potty trained)
Members $45 for the 1st child + $25 for each additional sibling
Non-members $50 for the 1st child + $30 for each additional sibling